This transaction sent 0.01013746 and paid 0.00100152 in fees. The fee amounted to 10% of the amount transferred.
At the time of this transaction 3 months ago, the amount transferred was worth US$643.73 and the fee was US$63.60. The amount is currently worth US$984.86 with a fee of US$97.30.
TXID | e91e07122d36531daec4837ea5a5897d71302be8c05bc75e881b21ef96c7776d |
Received Time | 2024-09-20 09:51:29 UTC 3 months ago |
Status | Confirmed |
Amount | 0.01013746 = 1,013,746 satoshis |
Fee | 0.00100152 = 100,152 satoshis |
Amount US$ | $643.73 |
Fee US$ | $63.60 |
Fee Percentage | 10 % |
Fee per vByte | 17 sat/vByte |
Bitcoin Price | US$63,500.00 |
Block | 862101 |
Block Hash | 000000000000000000017632ad2b4f761f3003e008b5030a645706c8be0e4d68 |