This transaction sent 0.12706388 and paid 0.16735500 in fees. The fee amounted to 132% of the amount transferred.
At the time of this transaction 2023-03-17 13:44:42, the amount transferred was worth US$3,376.91 and the fee was US$4,447.71. The amount is currently worth US$12,346.01 with a fee of US$16,260.85.
TXID | e7fc57db445ab3c850912777c4482d2bedbad2e78e9e35c880cb3730c9d8cab2 |
Received Time | 2023-03-17 13:44:42 UTC 2023-03-17 13:44:42 |
Status | Confirmed |
Amount | 0.12706388 = 12,706,388 satoshis |
Fee | 0.16735500 = 16,735,500 satoshis |
Amount US$ | $3,376.91 |
Fee US$ | $4,447.71 |
Fee Percentage | 132 % |
Fee per vByte | 1,506 sat/vByte |
Bitcoin Price | US$26,576.50 |
Block | 781207 |
Block Hash | 000000000000000000059910219bc0690d50938aa2415197f3d64548ce149897 |