This transaction sent 0.00446676 and paid 0.00073143 in fees. The fee amounted to 16% of the amount transferred.

At the time of this transaction 1 month ago, the amount transferred was worth US$405.45 and the fee was US$66.39. The amount is currently worth US$434.44 with a fee of US$71.14.

TXID e10d8e7b8daad7990861fae99d88f722188cf49693790295ad7d37f397fbcc62
Received Time 2024-11-18 19:38:51 UTC 1 month ago
Status Confirmed
Amount 0.00446676 = 446,676 satoshis
Fee 0.00073143 = 73,143 satoshis
Amount US$ $405.45
Fee US$ $66.39
Fee Percentage 16 %
Fee per vByte 32 sat/vByte
Bitcoin Price US$90,770.40
Block 870911
Block Hash 0000000000000000000026f3661ace0cda87b922d13d35280c9ac61c6ad364cf
Recipients 6
Address: bc1qw4qs8zhnvd305v7x6tanrs87kdn64vrs4yvlfu
Received: 0.00098244 = 98,244 sats
Valued at: $89.18
Address: bc1qw4qs8zhnvd305v7x6tanrs87kdn64vrs4yvlfu
Received: 0.00102308 = 102,308 sats
Valued at: $92.87
Address: bc1qw4qs8zhnvd305v7x6tanrs87kdn64vrs4yvlfu
Received: 0.00102308 = 102,308 sats
Valued at: $92.87
Address: bc1qw4qs8zhnvd305v7x6tanrs87kdn64vrs4yvlfu
Received: 0.00102308 = 102,308 sats
Valued at: $92.87
Address: bc1p3muqpve2qncj46ze58a7cxzxzvl4twwk58dcwrc68uxrq5x4ychsmhq23a
Received: 0.00035000 = 35,000 sats
Valued at: $31.77
Address: 32R6yj4FWoi4umit1cKTGHKP7vVcBiwJQg
Received: 0.00006508 = 6,508 sats
Valued at: $5.91