This transaction sent 0.18528248 and paid 0.03146400 in fees. The fee amounted to 17% of the amount transferred.

At the time of this transaction 1 month ago, the amount transferred was worth US$16,818.16 and the fee was US$2,856.00. The amount is currently worth US$17,990.39 with a fee of US$3,055.06.

TXID 9fc68a66df824d44ec99b8db4224657524206a2bd8de08986c9640842ffe8086
Received Time 2024-11-18 19:59:50 UTC 1 month ago
Status Confirmed
Amount 0.18528248 = 18,528,248 satoshis
Fee 0.03146400 = 3,146,400 satoshis
Amount US$ $16,818.16
Fee US$ $2,856.00
Fee Percentage 17 %
Fee per vByte 201 sat/vByte
Bitcoin Price US$90,770.40
Block 870910
Block Hash 000000000000000000020f360aac519f2e16475a7ed959b7c065a1d58af23e54
Recipients 1
Address: bc1qgae4frj40snw8k8m4na0qrgy8jnw922n34735x
Received: 0.18528248 = 18,528,248 sats
Valued at: $16,818.16