This transaction sent 0.00001530 and paid 0.00341190 in fees. The fee amounted to 22,300% of the amount transferred.

At the time of this transaction 3 months ago, the amount transferred was worth US$0.94 and the fee was US$209.65. The amount is currently worth US$1.04 with a fee of US$231.79.

TXID 7291b21f3ed0d9b45c976d1811b331a7ec4bfd355c6faf2f90b00a7ea6076135
Received Time 2024-07-15 02:03:14 UTC 3 months ago
Status Confirmed
Amount 0.00001530 = 1,530 satoshis
Fee 0.00341190 = 341,190 satoshis
Amount US$ $0.94
Fee US$ $209.65
Fee Percentage 22,300 %
Fee per vByte 5 sat/vByte
Bitcoin Price US$61,447.70
Block 852233
Block Hash 00000000000000000000168d3c8e9fcd774534a45345496e2080e3b0d65ab90e
Recipients 3
Address: bc1p4skfam4j3caymv9ax035a90s2n3ulpdur2r6wws0tnagqedfracqvffpht
Received: 0.00000600 = 600 sats
Valued at: $0.37
Address: bc1p4skfam4j3caymv9ax035a90s2n3ulpdur2r6wws0tnagqedfracqvffpht
Received: 0.00000600 = 600 sats
Valued at: $0.37
Address: bc1puqrgn0j4v3ggkj2z8mk9ycy9ypthys7ngeztefqccyx43lv563esqpf2eg
Received: 0.00000330 = 330 sats
Valued at: $0.20
Blunder of the Week
TXID f1181d2e...7ce96cfc
Received Time 2024-10-11 13:17:49 UTC 6 days ago
Status Confirmed
Amount 0.10104639 $6,365.92
Fee 0.01398978 $881.36
See Details
Blunder of the Month
TXID 7bcee0e4...a77892d6
Received Time 2024-10-08 07:59:53 UTC 1 week ago
Status Confirmed
Amount 0.02904106 $1,808.35
Fee 0.02003293 $1,247.43
See Details